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The Elections that Defied America's Popular Will and How Our Democracy Remains in Danger 

  Correctly predicted that America would have another second-place presidency soon.


"A must read for those truly interested in our democracy.”
-- Bill Bradley, former New Jersey senator


21st Century Tune-Ups for Our 18th C. Govt.

Listen to Mark's interview on the Electoral College . . . 

Mark Weston Interview - WSLR-FM Radio
00:00 / 00:00
My Books
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"You can also watch this talk on your TV by voice searching, "YouTube  Mark 21st Century REPAIRS"


Mark Weston grew up in Armonk, New York and worked as a lawyer for ABC Television and as a journalist for ABC News before writing six books, including Prophets and Princes: Saudi Arabia from Muhammad to the Present, and Giants of Japan: The Lives of Japan’s Greatest Men and Women. His latest book, The Runner-Up President takes a timely look at America's Electoral College.


Weston has written articles for The New York Times, The Washington Post and TIME, and has appeared on CNN, MSBNC, and PBS. He has also written a play, Meet George Orwell, and just published a children's book, Finding the Speed of Light - The 1676 Discovery that Dazzled the World.


A graduate of Brown University and the University of Texas Law School, he lives in Sarasota, Florida, with his wife, painter Linda Richichi.


Click here to read more . . .

Appearances & PRESentations


"Restoring Our Democracy in 2021 and Beyond"

90 Minute Talk at Rice University, Political Science Department

Houston, Texas


"Electoral Votes - From the Founders, to Trump, to the Future"  

90-Minute Talk at Rice University, Political Science Department

Houston, TX


"Meet George Orwell" (AKA "The Last Man in Europe")

British actor Dudley Stone plays George Orwell in a reading of the one-man play by Mark Weston

The Triangle Theatre at the Church of the Holy Trinity,

New York, NY




"Prophets and Princes: Saudi Arabia"
World Affairs Council of Greater Richmond

Click here to view.


"Electoral Votes from the Founders, to Trump, to the Future"

United Methodist Church

Sarasota, FL

Sponsored by the Sarasota Institute of Lifelong Learning

Click here to listen

At Book Culture, NYC

(L to R): Cody Madsen, Carol Weston, Mark Weston, Rob Ackerman.

Photo Credit: William P. Steele

Around the world in 80 spaces

​SCOOP! - Around the World in 80 spaces          

    BECAME  AN APPLE  APP  ON  JULY 11, 2024. 



People have dreamed of world conquest since the time of Alexander, but today military aggression is boorish and passé. A new game, SCOOP!, fulfills the desire for territory, but players take territories by answering questions about movies, events, food, sports and geography.


SCOOP!’s colorful game screen is an exaggerated map of the world, with 79 territories and a satellite. Answer a question about chocolate or Tarzan to cover West Africa. Answer a question about Arnold Schwarzenegger or The Sound of Music to take Austria. All 2500 of the questions are multiple choice, True/False or Yes/No, and there is a tiny and silent 25-second countdown at the top of the screen.


Here is what is great: You decide where a question will come from. London, Egypt, Hawaii — it is up to you. No specific territory or region is required to win.



Copyright MMXXIV Mark Weston

For now, SCOOP is just question and answers. But soon, you will be able to play alone, or invite a friend or stranger to play. SCOOP! - Around the World in 80 Spaces is competitive, territorial and fun!


SCOOP! is also a Ninentdo-Wii U game, playable on TV screens!

ContacT Mark Weston

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Literary Agent:

Peter Rubie, FinePrint Literary Management

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